When you want to start a website, a good domain and a host are probably the first things you’re going to need. There are lots of names and options that you’re going to see at the time of buying a host. These words are Linux host, Windows host, Dedicated, VPS, Shared Hosting, and etc. At the time of buying your host, you must know and consider what type of website you’re going to run. For example, Does it have lots of visitors? are you going to use CMS or not? If yes, you should know what are the basic requirements for the CMS you are using. In our last post, we explained the requirements for hosting a WordPress site. In this post, we are going to walk you through WordPress installation on your Linux host (cPanel).
WordPress Installation
Step1: Download WordPress
Download the latest version of WordPress and put it somewhere like on your desktop so you can find it easily.
Step2: Create a database for WordPress installation
Login to your cPanel via one of these two links:
www.yourdomain.com:2082 or www.yourdomain.com/cpanel
Now from the databases section, choose “MySQL Databases”.

You need to choose a name for your database and this name could be anything but better to be meaningful. Click on “create database” to continue.

Here you need to add a user for your database. To do that, from the MySQL section go to “Add a New User”. Choose a username and a strong password to create the user.

Now you need to make a relation between the database and the user. Go to “Add user to database” and select the database and the user. Click on the “Add” button. You’ll see a new window on which you need to check the ” ALL PRIVILEGES” box and click on the “Make Changes” button.
Everything is ready for transferring the WordPress file to the server. In our next post, we are going to show you how you can transfer the file to your server, and then we’ll start the installation.
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