The php.ini File Explained

مدونة AiroServer

PHP.ini file is a vital configuration file used on web servers for setting up the PHP system. PHP, a server-side programming language, is utilized for generating dynamic web pages. The file contains PHP configuration parameters that significantly impact PHP’s functionality.

Acquainting Yourself with the php.ini File

Firstly, it’s essential to know that within the php.ini file, you can find and modify settings related to:

Database Access Settings: You can configure settings for connecting to databases within the ini file, including username and password, server name, and database type, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

Memory and Performance Settings: The ini file allows you to set parameters like the amount of memory available for scripts, maximum execution time, the maximum size for file uploads, caching settings, and other performance-related PHP settings.

Security Settings: The ini file includes PHP’s security settings, covering error information display, file execution restrictions, access level limitations, and other security-related PHP configurations.

Editing the File

Moving on to editing the php.ini file, you can follow these steps:

Logging into the Server: Start by logging into your server.

Finding the php.ini File Path: Locate the path to the php.ini file.

Opening the php.ini File: Open the php.ini file with a text editor. You can use commands like vi, nano, or any other editor available on your server. For example, to open the file using the nano editor, execute the following command:

nano /path/to/php.ini

Replace /path/to/php.ini with the actual path of the php.ini file you found earlier.

Editing Settings: Now, the ini file opens in the editor, allowing you to edit the settings. Various settings are available, among the most significant are memory available for scripts, database settings, and security settings. Apply the desired changes here.

Saving Changes: After making changes, save the file. In the nano editor, this is done by pressing Ctrl + O to save, followed by Ctrl + X to exit. Other editors have similar commands for saving and exiting.

Restarting the PHP Service: After saving changes in the ini file, some settings require restarting the PHP service to take effect. To do this, you can restart the PHP service. For example, if using Apache, execute the following command:

sudo service apache2 restart

This command is just an example and depends on the web server service you are using. It’s important to note that some settings need a PHP service restart to apply, while others take effect immediately.

How to Restart Your Web Service to Apply Changes in the php.ini File

Restarting your web service to apply changes in the php.ini file depends on your operating system and the type of web service you are using. Here are the methods for restarting some common web services on popular operating systems.

For Linux/Unix Operating Systems


To restart Apache on most Linux distributions, use the following command:

sudo service apache2 restart

On some distributions, like CentOS, use this command instead:

sudo systemctl restart httpd


To restart Nginx, use the following command:

sudo service nginx restart

For Windows Operating System


To stop Apache, use the following command:

net stop Apache2.4

Then, to restart it, use:

net start Apache2.4


To stop Nginx, use:

nginx -s stop

To restart it, use:


Please note that these methods are the common ways to restart web services and it’s best to check the relevant commands based on your operating system type to ensure you are using the appropriate method for your server.

PHP.ini File

Backing Up the php.ini File

Moving on to the php.ini file, we must consider creating a backup. To create a backup of the php.ini file, you can follow these steps:

Logging into the Server: First, log into your server.

Finding the php.ini File Path Locate the path to the php.ini file.

Creating a Backup: You can use the copy command to create a backup of the ini file. For example, if the path to the php.ini file is /path/to/php.ini, execute the following command:

cp /path/to/php.ini /path/to/php.ini.backup

Replace /path/to/php.ini with the actual path of the php.ini file you found earlier. Also, /path/to/php.ini.backup specifies the path and name of the backup file. You can choose any name and path for the backup file. This command creates a backup of the php.ini file with the specified name and path. Now, you have a backup of the php.ini file that you can revert to if needed.

Can I Automatically Create a Backup?

It’s worth noting that you can set up an automated process for creating a backup of the php.ini file. For this purpose, you can use managed server tools (such as cPanel, Plesk, etc.) or command-line scripts and tools. Below, we explain two common methods for automatically creating a backup of the php.ini file.

Using a Command-Line Script

You can write a command-line script that periodically creates a backup of the php.ini file using the cp command. For instance, you could write the following script:

cp /path/to/php.ini /path/to/php.ini.backup-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

In this script, /path/to/php.ini is the path to the file, and /path/to/php.ini.backup-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") specifies the path and name of the backup file, including the date and time of creation. Save the script in a file with the .sh extension, such as, and then execute it. You can use a cron job to run the script periodically, automatically creating the backup.

Using Server Management Tools

If you’re using a server management tool like cPanel or Plesk, these tools typically offer features to create backups of files. You can configure the backup settings in these tools to automatically create backups of the php.ini file at regular intervals.

How to Use cPanel to Create a Backup?

Now, let’s address how to use cPanel to create a backup. In cPanel, you can use various tools and features to back up your site’s files and data. Below are the steps to create a backup of the file in cPanel:

Logging into cPanel: Log into your cPanel account. Typically, you will use your username and password for this.

Search for “Backup” or “Backups”: On the main page of cPanel, search for “Backup” or “Backups” in the search section. Some cPanel themes might place the backup feature under the “Files” or “File Management” section.

Selecting “Backup” or “Backups”: After searching, you should find the backup feature. Clicking on it will take you to the page related to backups in cPanel.

Backup Settings: On the backup page, you’ll need to choose your desired settings. Often, you can select specific files and folders for backup. Here, you should choose the file. You can also specify the path and name of the backup file.

Creating the Backup: After setting your preferences, click on the “Create Backup,” “Generate Backup,” or a similar button. cPanel will start creating a backup of the php.ini file along with other selected files and data.

Retrieving the Backup: Once the backup is created, you usually can see a link that allows you to download the backup. Some cPanel themes may also offer the feature to send backups via email or FTP. Additionally, you can keep the backup on your server for use in recovery if needed.


In this article, we aimed to provide complete information about the php.ini file. As you’ve learned, this file is a configuration file used on web servers for setting up the PHP system. PHP is a server-side programming language used for generating dynamic web pages. This file contains PHP configuration parameters that impact PHP’s performance significantly.

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