How to Install the Imunify360 Plugin in cPanel?

Blog d'AiroServer

How to Install the Imunify360 Plugin in cPanel?

We intend to teach you how to install the Imunify360 plugin in cPanel. To install this plugin, WHM access is required. Therefore, first, log in to your server’s WHM and then go to the following path:

Home » Security Center » Security Advisor

As shown in the image below, click on the “Install ImunifyAV” option to start the installation.


After the installation, to check the settings and its dashboard, go to the following path:

Home » Plugins » imunify360

Imunify360 Plugin in cPanel

Then, on the right side, select “Scan all” to scan your entire server. To confirm the scan of all user files, select “Yes, Scan all.”


Managing Malicious Files

If the infection status shows a virus for a user, as shown in the image below, you have several options:

In the “Action” section, you can select the chart-like icon (View Report). Depending on the file and your desired workflow, perform one of the following actions:

Under the Actions column, select the View file button to view the contents of the file.

Delete the file using cPanel File Manager or SSH.

If a file is legitimate, select the “eye” icon (add to ignore list)

Sometimes false positive reports are received in the scan. So don’t be too eager to delete a file that is marked as malware. If there are multiple files listed that may be benign and important, take a snapshot of the server before any major changes.


How to activate the plugin for all users:

ImunifyAV access is not enable by default for cPanel accounts. Enabling it allows cPanel users to view their malicious files, scan history, and ignore lists.

To activate the ImunifyAV Cpanel user interface, run the following command via SSH:


And to disable it for cPanel accounts, run the following command:

/opt/alt/python35/share/imunify360/scripts/ -r

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