Have you seen emails such as info@domain.com on any website before? These emails don’t have common names like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or any other things that we normally see in an email address. In order to explain how this happens, we are going to explain about webmail.
Webmail can be any website that provides mailing services. Gmail, Hotmail, Live, Yahoo, and etc are some of the most famous webmails that we know. These webmails allow us to create an account and we’ll be able to send and receive emails. If you create an account on Gmail, your email would be something like this: example@gmail.com
According to the example above, when you see an email like info@domain.com that domain part is the name of your webmail. Most companies that have their own website also have their own webmail with their own domain name. If you go to our contact us page, you’ll see that there are emails like sales@airoserver.com. This is because we have made our own webmail on our website.
How to have our own webmail
Webmails are made using the control panel of your website. So, if you have a website, you can simply create your own webmail on the control panel of your website.
The first thing you need to access webmail is the Internet but it is not the only thing that we need. Each one of them can have a different way of accessing. Accessing Gmail accounts is through its website or the Gmail app. But this is different for webmails like ours.
There are special web applications that help you access the created webmails on your site. For example, for any webmail that is hosted on Linux servers, we can use softwares such as Roundcube, Horde or etc.

commonly created email accounts:
Now that you have your own webmail, you might want to know what account you should create for each department of your company. Here are some examples that are agreed on and used commonly all over the world.
- Public relations: info@domain.com
- Support team: support@domain.com
- Sales department: sales@domain.com
- Billing department: billing@domain.com
- Staff: first letter of their name.Lastname@domain.com
This doesn’t mean that every company must use these emails, we just mentioned some commonly used emails but it is also completely fine to use famous webmails like Gmail for your company emails.
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