How to Add MIME Type in cPanel Control Panel

AiroServer's Blog

How to Add MIME Type in cPanel Control Panel

This article will explain how to add a MIME type in cPanel. Follow along for the necessary instructions provided in the cPanel control panel.


First, log in to your cPanel control panel, which you can access via the following links: http://IP:2086 or https://IP:2087 or YourDomain/cPanel.

How to add MIME type:

  1. After logging in to cPanel, click on the MIME type option in the Advanced section.MIME Type in cPanel
  2. In the Create MIME type section, you can enter the desired MIME type. Like: txt/batchfile
  3. In the next step, enter your file extension. If you need to enter several extensions, you can separate all the extensions with a space and then join them in the extension section.
  4. In the next step, click on the Add button to add it to the list of MIME types and you can view it.

MIME Type in cPanel

How to remove it:

If you need to edit the added MIME types or delete some of the added MIME types, you can follow the following steps:

First, enter the control panel and, select the item you want to delete in the MIME type section.

Then click on the delete button.

Please note that only MIME types that are created by you and are not system defaults can be deleted.

We hope this article was useful for you.

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