In this article, we will cover how to increase the maximum upload size in WordPress.
In WordPress, the default file upload size is limited. This limitation is applied to prevent excessive use of server resources. However, if you want to upload larger files such as images, videos, and audio files to your website, you will need to increase the upload size.
How to Increase the Maximum Upload Size in WordPress
Increasing Maximum Upload Size Using the wp-config.php File
The simplest way to increase the upload file size in WordPress is by editing the wp-config.php file. This file is located in the main WordPress folder.
To edit the wp-config.php file, you must have access to your hosting. Then, using FTP or your host’s File Manager, open the wp-config.php file.
After opening the wp-config.php file, you need to find the following line:
define('WP_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', 32M);
This line sets the maximum file upload size. The current value of this line is in megabytes (M).
To increase the file upload size, you should increase the value of this line. For example, to increase the file upload size to 100 megabytes, you should replace the existing line with:
define('WP_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', 100M);
After editing the wp-config.php file, you need to save it. Then, you should log out of your host.
Now, the file upload size in your WordPress has been increased to 100 megabytes.
Increasing Maximum Upload Size Using a Plugin
In addition to the above method, you can use a plugin to increase the file upload size in WordPress.
One of the popular plugins for this purpose is WP Max Uploads. This plugin allows you to set the file upload size to your desired limit.
To install the WP Max Uploads plugin, go to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard and click on Add New. Then, type WP Max Uploads in the search box and click on the search button.
After finding the WP Max Uploads plugin, click on the Install button. Then, click on the Activate button.
After activating the WP Max Uploads plugin, you can set the file upload size through the Settings section in your WordPress dashboard.
By increasing the file upload size in WordPress, you can upload larger files such as images, videos, and audio files to your website. This can help improve user experience and increase user satisfaction.
In this article, we discussed two methods to increase the file upload size in WordPress. You can use one of these methods according to your needs.